Francesco Lopez – Visioni di Roma
«Rome: the cradle of western culture and civilization. A place filled with artistic and historic testimonies that settle, layer after layer, across the centuries. The magnificence and grandeur of this city is filtered through Francesco’s kaleidoscopic lens, in an ideal “trait d’union” that connects history with the present, taking antique art with contemporary art, but always, Italian art.
This exhibition intends to bring a fragment of Italian art and culture to the USA, the New Continent, reaffirming, in this antithesis between old and new, the same polarization that pervades Francesco Lopez’s art. »
Gloria Porcella, Curator
« The title of Francesco’s show, “Visions of Rome” compounds two loves. Love for a city, Rome, which no longer is a “physical” place but becomes, in his work, an archetype of constant regeneration, and, precisely because of it, remains equal to itself across the time, becoming a category of the Spirit. Therefore Rome is not “a” city but “the” City. Francesco’s works encompass an orgiastic explosion of colors: a cold nuclear fusion of the Dionysian element, joyful, irreverent, and full of life, with the Apollinean element, frozen, crystal clear, but always vibrant, of Life and Art.
Art and Life, History and Chronicle, Emperors and Clowns, Popes and Courtesans, Death and Rebirth, Power and Revolution. Not Metaphysics. Non Surrealism. Not Hyperrealism.
It is Rome. Visions of Rome. »
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